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How exactly is the combat supposed to work on mobile?

I just installed the game on mobile, and it crashes, i really wanna play ;-; but it doesn't even start, please help!

Erza's final hex container dialogue (before ritual scene) isn't loading, only showing the location dialogue


Haven't started yet but this game got the bee movie script. 10/10 would rate again.

Deleted 2 years ago

Unzipped and found all books by accident. Bee movie script is an in game easter egg. Unzipped the exe because it said it was a dangerous file when attempting to run.


I read it all... There was no achievement. ;-;

I was finally able to play this.  The previous phone, Stylo 6, never made it pass the first loading screen.  Now with my new phone, it works.  I am enjoying it so far.

every time i tried to play on android, They gave the same error, I enter the app it starts loading and ends by closing the app and showing an error message.

It really looks like a nice game too bad it's not possible to play it.


I want to report a potential bug. What's the goto location for that?

I installed the apk but in the loading scene it gets shutoff

(1 edit)

Erza's hex container quest broke for me because I had all three in my inventory and then solved the puzzle. Is there a fix or workaround to that? *Found another one with Scarlet's bed quest. When I try to sleep at night it starts the dialogue then immediately skips it and I can't bring up any more dialogue about it.


You are the godfather of Lewd Pixelart.

Who's the father?





I see the M2F and BDSM kinks... Is there "role reversal/cross-dress" like play in this?


No, there is not.

hey there im stuck on a couple quests-

1. For scarlet, how do I find the real dagger? I talked to the drunks in the bar and got the crest and such from the tree stump, yet dont know what to do next.

2. For ginny, I don't know how to get/find the slime and i figured i talked to merah but i cant seem to progress

3. for ivy, i asked the bartender for who can cook food for me and I assumed janet but I talked to her over every dialogue and dont know what to do.

4. and finally for merah, how do i get ancient sap? i assumed from the dungeon or cave but i have no clue how/where to get there. still have like 4 things locked on the map and dont know if thats why or not.

any help on any of these would be much appreciated, thanks!

for the first one, you can find the dagger just right under the grass out of the house, its pretty visible so you mustve found it by now.

for the third one, you can just bring ingredients to Janet for her to cook food for you, there is no need to talk to her. Though I don't know which specific one is the right food cuz I just made them all.

and for the fourth one theres ancient roots (right next to the dwarf statue) in the melkors tomb, you just need a empty bottle to take it.

I don't know what you should do for the third one yet I didn't proceed on the church storyline yet but if I do so I'll update and tell it.

The dagger we find in grass near our house is a fake one. Ivy tells us that scarlet kept it to find the real one, which we have to further find in the hills. Even nummu tells us to find it in the hills.


I downloaded it for free. Played it for several hours. Came back and paid the $5.

The game may be a bit rough around the edges, but it's really fun and rewarding. Keep up the good work!

(1 edit)
How to unlock the last character?

Excelent in every form

Deleted post

This android doesn't open in my phone if someone know how to open





How's the easiest way to catch the begger when he runs? I've made it to the second half over 80+ times. On Android the movement commands don't respond fast enough and when he hits one object he trips and hits 2 more.


Absolutely brilliant.

Where i can get the Ginny rope? 

you have to do the minotaur's defense and kill the boob demon thing and it gives you rags to make in the alchemy station

What's the difference between public and patreon builds? Do you plan to put this game on steam? Main main way to suppot developers is to buy the game on steam because I can't afford to pay every month.

Patreon builds grant early access to our latest content.

The final version of the game will be released in Steam, aiming for 2023 for that release.

You can already Wishlist Aurelia on Steam:

Hi, huh i playing in Android, what i need to do to update the app without losing progress?

Absolutely love this game, beautiful graphics, and I often find myself humming along to the music. I am curious though if you don't mind me asking, is this built on a proprietary engine?

Either way, great game. 100/10


Thanks for the kind words Dark.

Aurelia is build on GameMaker 1.4.9999


Oh Awesome! Thank you for the quick reply.


Welcome back! Could you help the people out who have posted difficulties getting this game to run correctly?

Can' t continue Amber story senda ohros not found

How do I get gold? It's say I need to buy the shovel but I don't have any gold

Work in the tavern.


Whenever I open the game, I get all the sound, and i seem to be able to interact with things, but the whole window is whited out, so i cant see anything. What do I do to fix this?

Having the same problem, WHEN I can get it to run.

The heart scenes for the new dungeon mobs don't work? I use the spell, defeat them, and the screen goes pink for a sec then it boots me back to the level. Is something broken?


critical error when you give advice on what song the guitar girl should play, crashed the game. Consequently, I lost my progress.

How TF are you all playing this? I'm on Windows 10, unblocked the program (right-clicking Properties, etc.), and I run as admin but all it does is pop up a blank window for a couple of secs and then closes. Deleted it and redownloaded it. Tried troubleshooting all compatibilities...:


HELP, cause this game looks and sounds killer.

Anyone. Anyone at all.


This game is honestly just a fraction shy of what I'd call perfect, but my standard is arbitrary and has a lot more narration about sex acts interspersed with dialogue. The art direction and actual gameplay here are A+. Lots of excellent CGs and the updates keep me coming back to this project. If you jump onto the dev's patreon he's earning every penny.

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