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One of the top. Its hard to say how I love this game cause of language barrier. But I truly recommend it to my friends

Deleted 147 days ago

Thanks Sneky! Much more to come : )

Enjoy the festivities.


The cheat for filling garden only does 1 type of crop. Any way to change this?

tea? how i can get it?

use alchemy or just search at google Aurelia lily interaction

Deleted 1 year ago

Please, some advice on how to run this on Win 10. I managed to unpack the executable, but when I run it at best I get a white screen. Most times it doesn't do anything at all. 

Deleted 1 year ago

Okay, I launch the exe directly after download, but I still just get a white screen. This time with some music, and I can quit with Esc, so sound and keyboard input seems to be working, but no gfx.

Deleted 1 year ago

Do i really have to wait for 10 hours?, Cuz it always Force stop at this point.(android version)


That quote is a joke, if it's force stopping it's likely because your phone doesn't have enough memory avaliable.

4gb RAM

2ghz octa-core CPU

128gb ROM


Just HOW

I don't know mate, I'm not there to check on your device specifically and there could be a billion answers.

My phone for example is below those specs and runs the game with nothing more than the occasional hiccup.

Guess I will have to replace it then :(

How do you get to the dungeon?

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted post

Yes, it'll be for end of development. 

Is there a gallery for the dungeon enemy scenes?


How can i unlock the dungeon scenes?

I'm wondering the same


When you are in the dungeon(after you beat it the first time) you have to fill up the heart meter on the right and click on the meter when it its full to view the scene with the enemy you are fighting.

you fill the meter by attacking and defending, the better you do the faster it fills.


What an excellent game. I'll be following your dev studio quite closely for future releases. The art direction here is amazing and you managed to tap into the RPG aspect that makes people keep playing. That is to say - the steam roller train wreck of maxing everything out, becoming richer than god and trivializing encounters that were initially pretty hard for them. Great work. Obviously once I found out about the mask in the dungeon I also HAD to acquire it. Would be funny if that had a part to play in a side quest.


We do plan to expand on Ohro's Mask to justify it's price/grind in the future.


would love to see group sex/sharing/ntr. great game regardless, can't wait for release on steam. wishlisted & followed.


Thanks Tyson, It's unlikely that we'll add these fetishes/kinks into Aurelia.

Hopefully we'll have the steam release ready somewhere around next year.

(1 edit) (+1)

Excelent art and fun to play.

A lot of time is required to make progress in the story and ero scenes take a while to unlock so I don't recomend it if you are looking for a quick fap.

I've already finished the game as the current version and unlocked every scene, only a few achievements to go.

Really enjoyed the experience and I'm looking forward for what else the team has in store for us.

La wiki está desactualizadada, verdad?

(1 edit) (+2)

Ok, since almost everyone here's confused on how to open Ivy's attic, here's how to do it.

I don't think you need to do Dismus and Reynauld's quest (the two guys chilling in the tavern) to unlock the attic. The silver crest is only needed to unlock Erza (the hot demon chick) and Melkor's tomb. I may be wrong here though.

So what you need to do first is to find five hidden notes scattered in your house. Basically, click everything in your house. The notes are mostly hidden in paintings and windows. The first four notes are obtainable at the start of the game and the last one is in Ivy's room (her window, if I'm sure).

With all five notes unlocked, go to your inventory and look through the notes. Each note will have a different symbol. These same symbols are on the grandfather clock in your room. Place the hand of the clock on the symbols one by one in the order given in the notes. Note 1-5 symbol first, note 2-5 symbol next, and so on. After you complete the puzzle, you get a key. I'm pretty sure you know what you need to do next.

Also, if you haven't unlocked Ivy's room yet. Just progress through her storyline. I don't know if it unlocks automatically because it was after I paid Naamu (the almighty dragon that has made himself comfortable on a rock near the lake) 25G for a tip (to finish the achievement) that I found out that her room was unlocked. So I don't know if Naamu triggered it or not. Probably not, cause he's just supposed to be a support NPC.

Now as my reward, I'd rather appreciate it if someone would be kind enough to help me with unlocking Erza third sex scene. That's the only scene I have yet to unlock in v23.1. I have tried both Naamu and the Wiki page, but still no luck, godammit!

i kinda just clicked every combo

This was the one quest that I was absolutely stumped on, and needed the wiki for. I unlocked the attic, and nothing happened, so I was very confused. Perhaps we can have  a notification/dialogue text show up saying "Found an ancient map"?

Did the same thing as Xcor as soon as I clicked on the clock. 

Anyway, the third scene for Erza is unlocked after you finish the whole dungeon.

Yes, from start to finish.

Deleted 2 years ago

when you get to the boss. Do as many as you can.

Help bro 

How to unlock chest in my bedroom? And how to unlock attic in ivy's bedroom?

Hi. Let me know if you understand. But I know the first step is talk to orson about tavern drunk and then talk to drunk guy and then that you should go in the hill and find the stuff they talked about. After that I don't know.

(1 edit)

you first have to find the 5 notes. It's all inside the house you just have to find them. The note has symbols same as the ones in your room's clock. Follow all 5 and you'll get the clock's arm as a key. Be sure to click on the arm. Unlock the chest in your room and it'll drop a note (don't read it. It's just the BEE MOVIE script lol) and another key. Use the key in the attic (Janet's room) and you'll get a pipe artifact which you can equip and the map to the tomb. That's it


Really??? No one can't help me about the gungeon???? I still couldn't open the attic. I talk to taverns drunk and I found the stuff. Please heeeeeelp.


Hello, on android it crashes randomly. I'm wondering if anyone else is having this problem or if it's on my end?

Just when it loads for me it crashes, so you're not alone

Played through 20+ hours of the game on my Samsung A50, no issues with stability whatsoever. @Derriquethefreak and @Joro1144, what devices were y'all using? And what version of the game was it? 

I still can't get over how the "official" promo art has a dick tip in the center. But you wouldn't notice it unless you've scene the picture without the title covering it up.

Surprise dick!

Ohro run is still obscenely difficult on Android. Swiping to move and attack gives way too much of a chance for delays.

Hi. Please someone help me. How can I open the attic????? I already found the stuff that drunks guy said.

Just downloaded the game and am really digging the visuals, but most of the times no text appears in the speech bubbles. I am using the android version. How can this be fixed?

New update! Yas!!


i can't play it, when I try to open it, put  a error window


Change logs for build 23.1?


this game is amazingly good. One of my favorites ever

When I try to download the game it keeps giving me an error that says it's potentially harmful for my pc....I assume the game is safe, but just wanted to double check.


Windows does that for many apps it considers "unknown", as a preventive security measure.

(4 edits) (-2)

>>Delve into the dusk dungeon for a rogue-like adventure filled with tons of monster girls and unlock their exclusive scenes

I still can't found any dungeon locations, it's strange. But I have all max stats of RPG parameters.


its in the cave tomb location further into the story probably if you havent been there yet.

(1 edit)

Thanks! I've already discovered a lot of different things, but I just didn't know how to go further through the story.

Hi. Did you understand any thing about it? I think it's about the attic that it is in ivy's room. But I still couldn't open it.

Hi! Sorry, I still can't find it.

I cannot access Ivy's room at any time of the day and I guess it's important for the progression of the story


The game just crashes for Mobile when it tries to load.


The game just shutdown immediately when the loading bar is full.

Android version.


Truly amazing game, wonderful amount of content and beautiful graphics and animations.
Can't wait until it's finished!!

How exactly do I do Ivy's clock riddle?

(2 edits) (-2)

Ok, so, i played this game for 3 hours now. Im liking it, the drawings are good, the characters are too and all. There just js a BIG MAJOR flaw.

Picture this: you are playing this game all chill on your couch/bed/random comfortable place; then an h scene begins, it's a nice scene and all, you enjoy it even by just thinking:"Woah, i didnt expect this scene here right now"; but suddenly, someone enters the room inside of which you are, for really any reason at all: you reach to the top right corner of the screen to open the pause menu, but you cant! Probably because it's not a good place to save for the game and all; still: you are on an h-scene and someone entered the room, your last option is to click really fast and skip the scene in order to be able to open the pause button. 

I suggest to make the right click open a smaller pause menu: one with just the options that hides whatever's on the screen and, among the things, gives the player the option to put the game windowed and change volume of the audio


Emergency exit is already in the game, pressing Esc twice closes it inmediatelly.

(1 edit) (-3)

Yeah, indeed: the fact is that it closes the game completely...

Plus it'd be good to be able to easily reach the options even in moments where one isn't supposed to save/load/access the inventory 

Deleted 1 year ago

Yes, the game has an autosave feature that saves on the start of every conversation.

Meaning if you're in the middle of a scene and you close up, you'll get to open up that scene from the beginning again.

when will the v23 hotfix be posted

How to get bone ash?

Deleted 1 year ago

Lol, im new to the game and was thining about the pokemon dude

does anyone have a guide or anything for scenes? Im missin some and idk how to trigger em

What's gonna be on the next update


I miss games like this 

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